Social Responsibility Projects

Pear Falls Down Social Responsibility Project

Issuing Institution/Organization

Gazi University Social Work Application and Research Center, Faculty of Health Sciences Social Work Community and SKS Sustainable Development Community


Pear Falls Down Social Responsibility Project

Project Consultant

 Assoc. Dr. Omer Faruk CANTEKIN
Project Team

Büşra AHİ

Melike POLAT


Hüsamettin ÇELEBİ

Merve EYİL


Rümeysa TAŞBAŞ

Nazlı Hilal OKATAN

Project Purpose It is aimed to examine parental attitudes in the increasing use of slang and harassment in first students. In addition, it is aimed within the scope of the project to realize that the positive / negative consequences of family life on children are in the limit process.
Application Armut Dibine Düşer-1


Our Business, Every Business is Valuable Social Responsibility Project

Issuing Institution/Organization

Gazi University Social Work Studies Application and Research Center (SOHMER) and Mamak Municipality
Project Our Job is Sweat, Every Job is Valuable Social Responsibility Project
Project Consultant Assoc. Dr. Omer Faruk CANTEKIN
Project Team


Tugce BUL

Nazli Hilal OKATAN

Fatma Rumeysa TAŞBAŞ

Husamettin CELEBI

Zehra UCAR

Kadriye READER

Merve EYIL

Mary Orhan

Support staff to be appointed from the municipality

Project Purpose Scientific production in the relevant field emphasizes the importance of bringing the awareness of children's own culture and the society they live in to the competence of the educational institution and organization. In the social responsibility project named “Our Job is Sweat, Every Job is Precious”, general purpose primary school children's painting competition, consumption expenditures such as interactive expression, drawing attention to the contribution of professions to them, creating information about social cohesion; Setting the agenda in digital environments where the contributions of each profession from various aspects to our society are widespread and videos are common, after understanding the importance of each profession and increasing the value and reputation of the values, the policy and service making departments that speak and empower are to influence the aggressors. With the seminar to be held for the personnel who take an active role in the management of Mamak Municipality as a special purpose in the project, it is aimed to contribute to the knowledge of communication forms used in interpersonal relations and the course of their business performance.
Application İşimiz Alın Teri-2İşimiz Alın Teri-1


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